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Greige studio...

March 27, 2015

Happy Friday!  I know last week I gave a little tease about some good news... and well here we go.  I am getting ready to sign a lease on a small studio space!  Which I am very excited about!  I have been gathering ideas and inspiration as well as goodies to fill it up with.  There are going to be some modifications to the space but I am very excited to have a little place to use for design, possibly some classes and a small retail studio to play with.  The outside won't be much to look at but the inside should be pretty fun!  Here is a little bit of my inspiration.

I cannot wait to stock a big vintage piece with all of our accessories, pillows and linens from the shop!

I am looking forward to having a place for all of my samples and stock.. I love these shelves!

Big tables for design and classes.

Displays full of all of my favorite things.

and really just space to spread out and be creative.


images via

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